Children’s Ministry is available during both Sunday services for children ages 6 weeks through 5th grade.


Sunday check-in takes just a few minutes, but you can pre-register your kids here if you’d like to save time when you arrive.

Village Church offers five age-specific classes for children during our Sunday morning service times:

Infant Nursery: Ages 0 - 24 months

Little Lambs Nursery: Ages 2 - 3 years old

Level 1 Atrium: Ages 4 - Kindergarten

Level 2 Atrium: 1st grade - 4th grade

5th Grade Formation: offered on the 1st and 3rd Sundays during the sermon

All participating children must be registered prior to the service. Our staff is waiting just inside our main entrance (on Sizemore) and to the left starting 15 minutes before the service begins. 

  1. Register your child at the Children’s Ministry check-in table. Be sure to keep your security tag for pick up.

  2. Walk your child directly to his or her classroom for drop off (map below). Nursery and Level 1 meet in the upstairs children’s wing. Level 2 children meet in the Fellowship Hall. 5th graders meet in the Parish House (the small building next to our gated green space) on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.

  3. During the announcements, Children’s Ministry volunteers will escort all older children (Level 1 & 2 atria and 5th graders) back into the sanctuary for communion.

  4. Parents of children in the Infant and Little Lambs nurseries may pick up during the "Passing of the Peace." Please remember to bring your security tag to your child’s classroom for pick up. *

*Children in the Infant and Little Lambs Nurseries may remain in their classes until the service ends if parents so desire.

The Level 2 Atrium is located in the downstairs Fellowship Hall.

More FAQs are at the bottom of this page!

Cathechesis of the Good Shepherd

During the academic year (August - May), Village Church offers an age-appropriate time of worship for children ages 4 years - 4th grade. Following a hands-on, prayerful approach called Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, our trained catechists and volunteers lead the children in prayer, worship, and the exploration of Scripture. In partnership with parents, we invite children to know Jesus personally as their Good Shepherd, not just know about him. “Catechesis” is a word first used in the early Church to describe the instruction people received in preparation for Baptism. In our context, catechesis is the way children are prepared to participate fully in Christian community, which is a central part of their discipleship.

Their time in the “atrium” includes:

  • A proclamation from Scripture using the ACNA lectionary or another applicable Bible passage.

  • A gathering time to sing, pray, and worship together at the prayer table.

  • Presentations from the Bible or Liturgy given in small groups by trained catechists (teachers)

  • A period of time for children to work with and explore the materials from each presentation

Want to take a deeper dive into what CGS is all about?
Here’s a 10 minute video!


Can My Kids Just Stay With Me?
Children are always welcome to stay in the entire worship service; however, we ask parents to be mindful of other worshipers, especially during the sermon. We invite parents to utilize our check-in room OR “infant care room” (upstairs and to the right) when needed to calm extra loud our wiggly kiddos. Both of these spaces are wired for sound so that parents can continue to listen to the service while children can play more freely. Village Church’s Infant and Little Lambs nurseries serve infants, toddlers, and young preschoolers (through 3 years old) and is lovingly equipped with well-trained and friendly staff/volunteers.

What & When is Family Sunday?

On the 4th Sunday of every month, ALL children ages 4 years - 4th grade will begin the worship service with their families. A child-friendly liturgy with coloring and activities will be available to encourage children to engage more fully in the service. Children in the Level 1 Atrium (4 years - Kindergarten) will be dismissed for a children’s worship and prayer time just before the sermon. Nursery and Little Lambs (ages 0 - 3) will be available during the entire service. 

What About Safety?

Village Church takes the safety of our children very seriously and we are in strict compliance with the prevention and reporting policies of the Diocese of the Carolinas. Any worker who volunteers with children submits to a thorough background check, provides references, and completes the Ministry Safe sexual abuse prevention training. Every clergyperson in our diocese undergoes abuse awareness training every 2 years.




Join the Village Kids Team!

Village Church welcomes anyone with a love for Jesus and kids to volunteer! There are jobs for people to help with nursery, preschool, and elementary age children. All volunteers are screened through a background check and references.